Soul Winning Seminar
Do You Have a Passion to Win Lost Souls to Jesus?
This Inspired training is now available and affordable!
You’ll study a 3-lecture seminar, available on FreshLearn. The training features these subjects:
1. The magnificence and thoroughness of our salvation.
2. A passionate plea to witness to as many as possible.
3. How we can present the message effectively.
About these lectures (total viewing time is about two and half hours):
Dr. John Rataczak has taught in three Christian colleges.
He is presently an adjunct professor at Taongi National University in Liberia and Jacksonville Baptist Seminary
He has pastored churches in PA and OH.
He is the author of six books.
He is actively involved in Super Bowl ministry through SFOI.
“For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own
soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Matthew 16:26)